ERP system for staff admins – managing complex information tree

I'm re-creating an internal ERP tool to manage user license, sales and customer information for a desktop 3D cad software. So something similar as an admin portal for Autodesk employees to manage user licenses for different products they have (Maya, 3dsmax, AutoCAD, etc). We have a legacy dongle security hardware that needs to be maintained for old users, but we will also implement cloud so we can transition from an old business model to a new one.

One simple case is the user is having trouble assigning a license to someone in his team. That person contacts tech support to get help. Someone from staff will use search for which user he/she wants to findenter image description here.

If I click on the dongle code, it will display this:

enter image description here

Clicking on the drop-down "Dongle Serial Code" will display all dongle licenses that are assigned to that user. YXPA3GET is the one I previously searched and selected on a search page. The Hardware information is displayed below the title "Dongle YXPA3GET" and data gets populated. If I want to assign the license to someone, I click on the link beside it.

Question 1: is this the right pattern to use?

Question 2: the drop-down might be a good option for a few licenses. If there are more we will need some sort of search embedded on that box, similar to assign a user to a task in Asana.

Question 3: is there a way to improve this without being too expensive on the code side?

Note1: 90% of the user base has 3 licenses in a team of 4 people. While we have a few companies with 100 licenses or more.

enter image description here

Note2: Dongle Assignment does not give permission for the user to use a software, it is used for tech support do decide if that license is entitled to support or if the dongle was stolen.

Note3: Cloud license will be implemented but I don't have information on that yet. That will be displayed be also included in that screen.

Note4: There is a multitude of products under one dongle hardware and also my company will have a cloud license (under development). The tricky part is that since we have legacy users and data, I cannot simplify the data structure and these fields because we cannot change current dongle hardware in the market, as they don't have 2-way communication with the database and the dongle. I need to work with what I have so impact is minimum when implementing the new system. For example, there is some redundancy in product type as network and I can't change that.