Edit an existing GCal invite

I have an application that allows the user to send out a GCal invite. Within the page, there is a button that says, "Create GCal invite."

For the time being, to keep the scope small, this button just links out to a GCal invite page where some of the fields are pre-filled (invite title, description, etc.)


After the invite is sent, the button label changes to, "Edit GCal invite." This allows the user to edit an already sent invite should they need to make changes to it. Is the label (Edit...) enough to communicate that the invite has, in fact, already been sent?

Note that there isn't a concept of draft invites - ie, a user can't create an invite now and save it for later. So not sure if it makes sense to denote elsewhere the invite status eg - no invite, invite sent - seems to just be adding noise.