Driving users attention through opacity masks (reading rhythm)
I was reading this handy answer about Light on dark vs. dark on light: which is better for attention span? in the Graphic Design SE site and while reading the most voted answer I discovered that my attention focus point was almost a 100% just in the top first paragraph on my screen:
I decided to make some tests on how this can apply to a user experiencing reading in a site with text driven content.
I asked the following question:
How can I control this 100% of user attention on a certain piece of text?
So I created opacity masks of different heights to visually analyse this hypothesis:
70% opacity mask height:
50% opacity mask height:
However I discovered that I experience a different 100% attention area when the text size is bigger:
So, the question is, should I use this opacity masks in my blog or site to control in a certain the user's attention throughout the reading rhythm?
I think that as with large or complex forms which are tedious to complete, maybe, a user will finish a large reading if he/she gets small chunks of information instead of showing the user what's next and discover that there's a lot left to read...