Document to improve communication between team

I don't know where or how to search for such a thing but... As I was working on my last project something occurred to me. A simple change to a dialog box became a month of work because of lack of understanding between people. Everybody knows how hard is to communicate effectively between teams (ui, ux, devs...).

Sometimes what is lost in communication means working in the dark, and lots of times things are 'missed'. Do you know any kind of template with key questions for a first meeting on a project, for instance? Something that we could use that would allow me to say, after the first meeting, "ok! Now I know this and this and that. I have what I need to start..."

I know a lot of people with the sensibility to share what I need to know about a project, but most of the times, hours of conversations become 2 minutes of useful action points. I don't want to stop talking to people but some kind of script that would help me during the path would help.