Document creation and renaming, when and how should I save new document renaming?

I work on an webapp where users can create some kind of documents with a title (i. e. name/label of the document) and a content (i. e. a bunch of text).

On document creation, the document isn't saved in DB, the user has to click on save button in order to store the new document (current title + current content).

On renaming, if the document is already saved in the DB, the title is updated (but not the content). The user still has to click on save to save the content later if needed.

However, if it's a new document (i.e. not store in the DB yet), if the user try to rename it, should I:

  • Create a new entry in the DB with the title and an empty content
  • Create a new entry with title + current content
  • Update the title on client side only and wait the save of both (title + content) later

What do you think about it? How should I manage it?