Do you ever feel like you’re the only one who can’t contribute to a brain-storming meeting or workshop? [on hold]

During brainstorming meetings and workshops, everyone seems to follow what's going on but me. I cover it up by saying things such as "I'm just absorbing everything", but really I'm lost and walk away not knowing what my next steps are.

Does anyone ever feel this way, like they have nothing to contribute to the discussion? How do you overcome this? Should I be ashamed that I'm the only one not following? Should I find another job?

So I'm a reasonably good UI designer who consistently ends up doing UX despite it not being my strength, nor have I had any training in it. I'm open about this in interviews but not everyone in a business understands the difference between the two disciplines. I'm far more technical in my way of mapping out problems, like I love flow diagrams, spreadsheets and wireframes, but I can't make sense of complex verbal briefs and whiteboard scribblings.