Displaying large amounts of content on a page that we know people dont read

Due to compliance requirements I have to display essentially two large a4 sized pieces of copy within a single page on an already large web-form journey.

I've collected data on the current page and I know 94% of all users don't spend more than 15 seconds on the page. (It would take around 3-5 minutes to read this information, so we can assume people skim through it)

The issue i'm having is that I cant reduce this copy, i'm also not able to place it behind several pages or multi-pages. However i can try something similar to what Google have done on account creation which is allow for the content to sit within a max height container which the user can scroll through to read.

However when pitching this idea i've had conflicting opinions, as some people are concerned im hiding this information from customers and therefor creating a bad user experience and argue that it should be all displayed clearly - However we know this will result in a larger abandonment rate.

Anyone have alternative ideas or suggestions?

Many thanks!