Displaying information hierarchy and readability on mobile app
I am working on a personal project that is a training log fitness app. On the meal section I want to display what time the meal was had and all the food that they had as well. Each meal being separated by from top to bottom. The food description is broken into two lines separated by commas. I was wondering if that is a good idea or could it cause readability issues for users?
Great ideas everyone, I also considered doing something else too. I looked at the myfitness pal app and like how they lay out the foods from top to bottom so that no matter if I add a few foods or a lot then it stacks up and makes it easy for a user to read. I separate my categories by calling it meal instead of breakfast,lunch and dinner which myfitness pal did. I also saw how I can improve what they did by adding the time of the meal to the right of the meal category. Here is a solution I came up with.