Direct voice interactions examples in use as an alternative to voice assistants

After reading an article explaining the difference between using your voice to controlling the UI (i.e. direct voice interaction) compared to dealing with a voice UI (e.g. chatbots or voice assistants) to complete common tasks, I am wondering if this design pattern isn't already being used in more advanced applications like AR/VR or accessibility features in standard software applications.

As the author pointed out:

Voice is a great modality for inputting information, but listening to a machine talking is not very inspiring. This is the big issue of voice assistants.

The future of voice should therefore not be in conversations with a computer but in replacing tedious user tasks with the most natural way of communicating: speech. Direct voice interactions can be used to improve form filling experience in web or mobile applications, to create better search experiences, and to enable a more efficient way to control or navigate in an application.

Has anyone seen good examples of direct voice interactions in mainstream applications (other than the example provided in the article which appears to be their own project/product)?