"Did you mean" search results


This UI allows the user to add names of people (with matching User IDs).

The problem is that, there has been many instances where users accidentally add people that already exist, resulting in duplicate entries.

To mitigate this problem, we're adding a "Did you mean?" section that is displayed as the user is typing in their query.

  • The search results will show up to 5 suggestions.
  • Each result will link to a new tab/window where the user can view more details about this entity (should clicking on any of it populate the textfield with the selection? But that means the field will only error out telling the user it already exists?)
  • Since the number of suggestions can vary (can be <5), is there any way to prevent the jumpiness of the card? I'm thinking of assigning a fixed height to it, but that means there will be an empty white space if the suggestions are less than 5?

enter image description here