Detect if User has pop ups enabled. Best way to do it

I'm facing a problem where I need to check if the user has pop ups enabled when they try to view a pdf file in their browser and for this I would need to open a tab and close it real quick, there's no other way to check this and if they are disabled I would give them a warning message to enable them for the application and right after this a second tab with the pdf will open. The developer tells me this would happen only one time since they are able to cache this information it shouldn't be that big of a problem, but my concern comes from the standpoint of what happens if the user uses another device or they clear their cache.

My approach to this would be by giving the user a warning no matter what about making sure they have pop ups enable or that they don't have any pop up blocker extension enabled like ad block, only one time of course, similar to what the developer is trying to do with the cache.

What are your thoughts on this?