Default filter state: active vs. inactive?

Consider the following scenario:

  1. The user goes on a restaurant search page in an app
  2. He/she enters some information, then clicks on "Filter results"
  3. There he/she finds the possibility to filter by price level.

Which, would you say, is the better default state? A or B? And Why?

Of course, by default all results should be visible, no selection. But how does this look?

  • A: All price ranges are visually "active / on"
  • B: All price ranges are visually "inactive / off"

Most Sites I looked at, chose B (Tripadvisor, Yelp,…)

But I would argue A would actually make more sense as B has the following inconsistency:

  • When all of the options are active, I see all the results.
  • When one of the options is active, I see only that one result.
  • When none of the options is active, I still see all the results.

The screen on the right would be what a user sees when he/she either deactivates the third chip (when coming from A) or activates the first two chips (when coming from B).