Data Visualization: Visualizing current year annual performance by juxtaposing last year total and year to date numbers.

Working on a revenue piece where I have to show current YTD ( Year to date ) performance with last year’s YTD and the total revenue last year for a specific product.

The below image shows the current design. User tests suggest that majority users are confused and it does not serve the purpose of quickly glancing over how their products are performing. enter image description here

The issue with the ideal scenario is that, I don’t have a lot of vertical space to work with. And the same bullet graph needs to be used again to be consistent with overall design. Some cases might use multiple graphs stacked.

enter image description here

I tried working with Bullet graphs and although they look like a decent solution, they kind of mess up at the end of year. I mean it still works and maybe that is the solution, but I’m not entirely convinced.

image description

Would like to know if anybody faced similar issue and found a solution. Thank you.