Cursor usage in different application elements

I am working on an application that is mostly used by desktop users. So I am trying to perfect the use of the cursor css-rules.

First of all, I have read and try to follow the practice of having pointer-cursor only for external (href) links, but have the default-cursor (arrow) on buttons and internal links (like navigating to another application menu-item).

What I am a bit more uncertain on, is the practice for text. This application contains a lot of editable data. Like forms or editable content inline (in tables and other elements). I have been considering showing the text- cursor only for editable data, to indicate that the user can click to edit, and have the default-cursor for normal text, even if it is selectable. The default browser rules is usually the text-cursor for all normal text. Anyone know if there is any unwritten standards, any widely used styleguides or other sources for information on this part?