CTA Button – Button too short to contain verbs

In one of my iOS mobile apps I’m showing a screen with 2 options:

  • The first option, on the left side, is an outlined button that performs a free action.

  • The second option, on the right, is a solid butto) that performs an action for which payment is required.

I would like the user to choose the paid option.

Here’s a screenshot of the setup:

enter image description here

I've seen in many places that a CTA button should start with a verb but as you can see, adding Export to the beginning of each button, is not an option, due to lack of space.

However, I don't think placing them one-above-the-other is a good idea, because it will reduce the compression between than, and I need the users to eventually tap the 'Full HD' button.

How can I do this correctly?