Credit card field placeholder text

There has been a lot of discussion around Stripe 'Elements' default credit card field placeholder text.

Their default is '4242 4242 4242 4242' as shown below: stripe elements 4242

There are a few vocal users complaining that they can't change it to something else. Stripe were seeking feedback from the users along the lines of 'Well, what would you change it to' - and replies varied like so:

  • "****-****-****-****"
  • "0000 0000 0000 0000"
  • "Let me set it to whatever I like!"

The latest activity is a user threatening to change payment providers because they cant change the default placeholder text, because their users are complaining about it.

Personally, I couldn't give a rats either way, but I can understand if your customers are complaining then perhaps you would like it changed.

So UX.SE - from a UX perspective, what should Stripe do in this situation?