Create account without actually creating an account

I'm building a website where users may interact with the company (It is the real estate business) to request a budget, ask for information or other type of interactions. The interactions are made via contact form or other type of request, ex. button to request budget about an specific product.

Note I'm not talking about a simple contact to ask for information about the website, a phone number, etc. It's a more concrete contact about schedule a visit, more information about a specific property and so on.

It isn't an obligation to have the user logged in to start these interactions, but once he got engaged it will be necessary to have a login to proceed or either to buy a product. We have a dashboard where users who already have a login can access all these contacts, supports, history, etc..

To create a better fluid introduction for the user into the web site, I'm thinking about creating the user's account progressively without actually clicking on a button "Create account" (this option will also be available), but, of course, with the user doing all the process. Let me try to explain:

  • User access the website and send a message through the form, or other interaction we may have - Need to provide an e-mail.
  • The web site will automatically create a "Pending" account for that e-mail address where the user can access the dashboard but with a very limited access, only able to access the "Support" area, for example.
  • In the meantime an e-mail will be sent to that e-mail address asking users to access an specific link to add an password and some basic information, such as name, and actually create an account on the web site.

Is it acceptable to create such a process? What would be the bad user experiences by doing this? Or is it a good alternative?

The intention is to auto introduce the user on the environment and already show what he can have, how we are organizing our interactions, provide a good feedback we will keep an history of that conversation or possible purchase on the user "future" account.