Course page with multiple registration options

I'm designing a website where people register for courses (online or physical/in-class). The difference with other websites is that every course may have multiple registration options (multiple sign-up buttons).

For example, the course "Cooking in 30 days" has three options:

  • Class A - Mondays - $40
  • Class B - Sundays - $40
  • Class C (Online) - Fridays - $35

Currently, this is how I am doing it:

Idea 1

enter image description here

  • ✅ Users will Immediately see all options (no extra clicks)
  • ✅ Users can compare options
  • ❌ The page looks empty when only one option is available
  • ❌ I can't make the signup button or card sticky (so it stays when user scrolls). The alternative I can think of is an anchor link to signup cards section like a "back to top" button.

Idea 2

enter image description here

  • ✅ Can make Signup card sticky
  • ❌ Users can't compare options easily
  • ❌ Some users (especially because we have some eldery customers) may not understand how those buttons (< and >) work

Mobile Version of both

enter image description here

Which one do you think is better (and why)? Also, do you know examples of other websites doing this? I searched dribble, Google and visited some learning websites I knew like udemy, LinkedIn learning, ... but couldn't find a design for "multiple" options.