Comparing design for a touch-screen (or an in-flight seatback) vs. design for responsive web/mobile

I am looking for a resource, reference, and or thoughts, that speak on the fundamental differences between designing for a fixed, touch screen app and a responsive-web, browser-based app.

Our web design team was asked to mimic the look-and-feel and functionality of an existing touch screen device (an in-flight seatback screen). These are to co-exist.

I've so far argued that although we will strive to unify the look-and-feel of the touch-screen app, we need to design based on standard responsive web design conventions: the use case for someone using a screen a foot or two away from them is different for someone using a phone or a tablet. Additionally, HTML5, CSS, JS is different from native apps or the like.

I'm looking to the UX community to weigh in on this and possibly give me a talking point, a source, or a reference that says that a touch screen app design does not necessarily translate to a responsive web-mobile design.