Common color associations and movie genres

For others:

My Question got answered, but in a different way. The answer basically is that:

  • it wouldn't make much of a difference and
  • That "We have (...) standards like Red for love, passion,violence and Blue for calm,serene,corporate etc. Grey for war, Red for drama, Dark green for horror do not really help the user make that association."

Big thank you to Shreyas Tripathy

I have an app that contains different Movies and so there are different Movie Genres. The user can click on a movie and get more information about it (Description, Details, Actors,...)

What I would like to achieve/do is that if the user opens up the Detail View the Background should slightly change, depending on the genre of the movie (Colors are a strong way to set the mood for something, and if the color matches the association to that genre, that would set a comfortable mood - I guess) (I know there can not be a definite answer, but there must be a common practice):

(Is there a common practice to color a Movie Genre? p.E.: Do Movie Posters follow a common practice, like: Romance Movies mostly are red, Sci-Fi mostly white, War mostly brown,...? Or is there nothing like this and I have to go for own associations?)

p.E Like:

  • Action (Blue)
  • Adventure (Green)
  • Comedy (Yellow)
  • Crime & Gangster (Purple)
  • Drama (Red)
  • Historical (Gold)
  • Horror (DarkGreen)
  • Musicals (Orange)
  • Sci-Fi (Silver)
  • War (Grey)
  • Western (Brown)