Combining Ecommerce with Q & A community like quora

We currently have our sports clothing brand in the same sector we are bringing a question and answer community little similar to quora (not design but model wise) for sports and fitness enthusiasts. On this Q&A platform a user will be able to ask their questions and gets advice from other community member and also from our experts. This will be Mobile Application.

One of the major reason for asking this question was that we don't want design to be where user feel that this Q&A community have been made to sell their products as due to this users won't freely share their thought's or give their suggestions like in quora. (Our major reason to start this is to solve the knowledge problem in sports industry).

We though of design and experience where one user enter the app they see 2 option, brand and community. Now when they enter into individual option 2 of community then they have their complete different experience like Quora. If they went in option 1 Brand then there is only eCommerce there.

We are confused if this experience or any other experience will work better?

I wanted you suggestion regarding this problem. Please suggest.

Thanks, Rachel