Columns in a table – settings buttons position

I am building a screen for a rather big platform and I am trying to figure the best position for settings buttons for a column in a table.

The table holds information about players and their available options. 1 or more player can be displayed. Above the table there is an action menu with available actions for the player - the user can delete, edit, move, link etc a player.

Throughout the platform there is a consistency - there is always a content area and action area above it. When the user selects an element in the content are(usually the content is placed in a normal styled table or form) - the options available are loaded in the action menu.

enter image description here

In this case is when user selects the column - the action buttons load. This is also the first option - the user must click on the column and the options load.

So here is my concern.

The number of players can be 1 and 15 selected - so there could be a horizontal scroll. The user is able to close and open players to see the assigned options. The consistency of the enterprise is that the actions linked to an element are loaded in the action menu. But I am not sure this would be the ideal option here.

The other option I am thinking about is to have a settings button in the top right corner on each of the players columns which will show the options on click - and in the action menu there would be filtering options. (sorry can not upload another picture due to lack of points)

What do you guys think is a better option? It would be nice to have the consistency but I don't believe that it is not intuitive to select the column in order to see the options. Also I am concerned that when there are two many players loaded it can get confusing for which column they refer.

Unfortunately I can not test it with the user.