Colored hat logos for accepted closeness to others to be displayed on clothing

I am looking for the design of a set of colored logos, which could be smileys or symbolic logos or other logos, square or round, with a border, four of which could be displayed on the four sides of a hat (, and the wearer could also, wear a second hat in his coat pocket I suppose, for changes, to account for all more than can fit in four faces of a hat logos). The faces can also be of different materials with different roughnesses so that the wearer can feel which side is in front or have doubly striped separating materials between the logo faces with each stripe adjacent to the given face being of the material associated with the given front face.

The logos display standardized creative logos indicating the desired accepted closeness distance of another person (on the street).

These would be: far modestly close relatively close modest touching (eg. hands) strong touching (eg. slap on the shoulder) semisexual touching (pinch of the ass) sexual touching (rubbing) sex (the person is ready to be stripped naked)

So, you may think this is new, but it is very practical. You could use it across streets and cultures, using the hat with the right stickers at each situation. You turn the hat so that the sticker in the front counts.

You could wear the same stickers on a coat.

These would also be extremely useful to the deaf. At the same time, these logos would also informally let an individual a chance to step out of the rules imposed by social context and establish a more personal one. Some people are more sensitive to closeness than others to various extents and degrees, and or find talking to others difficult, others not at all. In any case, if these things can be known at first sight, a lot of things in social context would become much easier. Who wants to stick with the established rules could simply not wear this kind of hat or coat patch.

How can I design these patches / stickers, so that they are starkly visible to the viewer?

Thank you for your contributions.