Collapsed or minified pagination

This might be a bit of a brainstorming question, and it could have already been answered, but I haven't found much of anything useful online; so bare with me.

In our enterprise search engine, there are a lot of panels with lists and pagination panels; and unfortunately not a lot of real estate for these.

In the requirements, the following pagination requirements were a must:

  • showing how many items are displayed per page
  • option to change how many to display per page
  • how many estimated results users would get with their search query
  • navigation between pages
  • ability to skip to a particular page
  • refresh button to refresh results/pagination

Now these seemed satisfied and product managers and clients were happy... but me. You can see the screenshot of the current pagination.

enter image description here

What I absolutely hate is fact that our pagination is so long/wide, that it ends up wrapping itself onto either a new line or splitting into two lines when it's displayed in smaller panels or smaller screens. No one has complained, but it frankly hurts my eyes.

I was wondering if making this pagination collapsed or minified for smaller screens would work for the users, my eyes and generally for the aesthetics of our search engine. Due to the extensive nature of our pagination panels, I couldn't really find any other examples online.

Has anyone encountered this issue? Am I over-engineering this problem in my head? Could you provide with useful sources/examples of this issue? Would hover-over icons for every | section | of pagination be an issue?

To clarify: this application is not mobile application as our customers would never have a use case for that. Our customers are very large firms with large databases and data.

Any pointers would be very appreciated.