collaboration way with team members [migrated]

I recently joined a new design group as a project manager. I found this group worked in a pretty low-effective way while we all work from home because of Covid-19. So beside me and developers, there are two designer, one for UI/UX, one for vectors. The graphic designer finish some vectors and upload to G-drive, and then send a message to tell the UI designer to apply it in Axure, me and other team members can only give some advice once they updated the file on G-drive. This is so old-fashion way to work as a team, so I decide to ask my team to try some web based collaboration platform. I did some research, and here is some products meet my requirements, pls give me some advice, thanks.



These two platform all suppot Axure, and offer a collaborated platform for PM and developers, I need some advice to decide which one should I choose.