Clear selected items when filter is applied?

Trying to justify my approach here.

When multiple items are selected (for bulk actions to be taken) what should happen when the user applies a filter?

Should any selected items be cleared as soon as a filter is applied? Should the selected items remain selected? There will be cases where the filter will result in none of the selected items being available (all filtered out) and cases where some selected items will still be available, and cases where some of the selected items are still available, but many many pages deep (and out of view) due to the items that have been added when the filter was applied.

My current thinking is that the complexity of keeping the items selected too hard to effectively communicate, so when a filter is applied, any selected items will be reset. The user has to then make new selections based on the new set of items displayed.

Thoughts? Visuals below.

Selections made

Selections made

Option 1 - Stay selected

filter applied

Option 2 - Reset

enter image description here