Checkbox while applying Filters

We are creating custom forms. The user can choose any type of field that he wants to. It can be a checkbox, dropdown, text, paragraph, etc. Customers can fill these application forms and the admin can see a list of all these filled forms. Now, there is an option to filter the applications. The customer can apply a value to any field and filter based on it.

The checkbox field cannot be grouped. It's a standalone field. While filtering, if the checkbox is enabled, it'll list all the applications that have that particular checkbox enabled.

But, how should it behave when the checkbox is disabled? Should it display everything or should it filter based on the values that have the checkbox value marked as false? There is no way to remove the fields that apply on the filter. All fields on the form (except text fields) are visible as filters.

enter image description here

The Question is: If 'Need Manager Approval' is checked, I'll list all the applications that have 'Need Manager Approval' as true.

If 'Need Manager Approval' is not checked. Should I list all the applications where 'Need Manager Approval' is unchecked or should I list all the applications irrespective of the value for 'Need Manager Approval'?