Checkbox size of ‘clickable’ area on desktop

I'm wondering if there are any guidelines regarding the size of the 'clickable' area of a checkbox on desktop. I was having a discussion with our developer and when he is testing the product he sometimes missclicks the checkboxes. So it got me wondering if there were any known guidelines for this.

enter image description here

In the above picture the darker area is the current click area. The height of the marked area is 24px. I myself never missclick, neither did the users we tested it on.

For tablet / mobile we do not use the above checkboxes, on mobile / tablet they are larger and somewhat different, the mobile/tablet checkboxes adhere to guidelines like the minimum touch target size.

If you have done any tests regarding this i would love to know.

Update: Thank you for the answers, through the answer of Christophe I found that Microsoft suggests a size of 17px. However they do not offer any details regarding why, perhaps someone has found research for an AA criteria.