Changing Careers at Midlife: How do I break into the world of UXD? [on hold]

Ok, so... I see there are some similar questions on here, and I've read them. But I think those questions cater to those who are just starting their career tracks. I have been a designer (both web and graphic) since the early 90s. I have a lot of experience in the creative field, however, I cannot seem to get a foothold in making the switch over to the UXD world.

I have built a portfolio. I have educated myself through a UXD bootcamp, and I have networked. But nothing seems to get me past a phone screening. It's like reliving the early 90s again where I heard the same ole song and dance: "What you do looks great but we're looking for someone with X years of experience." To which I have the same answer: "HOW do I GET experience when no one will give me a chance?"

I know I'm perfectly capable of doing the work. I'm good at what I do. The problem is, it's so competitive and I'm also competing against younger workers who are more willing to take A LOT less money than I am. I have almost 30 years in the field of visual design. That should account for SOMETHING, shouldn't it?

Yes, my challenges are similar to ANYONE seeking to break into this line of work, BUT, I also have the added burden of being an older worker (I'm 49). I think that works against me. So... Does anyone out there have ANY practical advice on how to get past a phone screening.

I'm listening...