Changing a button label dynamically or having multiple buttons?

I've read a couple similar questions and answers but haven't been able to piece together a good answer on my issue. I have a form where based on the input given in the form, back-end decision modeling will only allow for one of three different cal-to-action options "Submit", "End Task", or "Next". I am trying to figure out the best way represent this.

Option One

Depending on form input have the call-to-action button label dynamically change. This would keep just one main button in the bottom right of the form. The button would change to either say "Submit", "End Task", or "Next". enter image description here

Option Two

Don't change the call-to-action button dynamically but have all three buttons shown with one active and the other two would be disabled. Due to the decision modeling only one button would ever be active. enter image description here