Trying to Maintain ‘Business as Usual’ During a Quarantine

I’ve been a home-based freelance web designer since 1999. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic started forcing a lot of people to work remotely, I figured not much would change in…
The post Trying to Maintain ‘Business as Usual’ During a Quarantine appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Design Systems: 5 Steps to Impress a Hiring Manager in your Next UX Interview

If you’re on the job market in the UX design field, chances are you will be asked about design systems in your next interview. Don’t make the mistake of thinking a design system is just a UI kit and forgo preparing for this popular interview topic. The next time a hiring manager asks you about design systems, you will be able to intelligently respond. If you follow these steps, you will no longer lack hands-on design system experience. You can be the rare bird that goes above and beyond and land your dream job.
Dealing with Uncertain Times as a Web Designer

If recent global events have taught us anything, it’s that life as we know it can change in an instant. The things that once seemed certain and knowable become anything…
The post Dealing with Uncertain Times as a Web Designer appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.