I’m new to this community and really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read!
I am pursuing a dream to build a website that I would describe as very robust (maybe it’s not). The site will create a user experience where specific memb…
I am developing a dashboarding system that lets users drag and drop charts of interest. Some of our users may want to have 4-7 charts on a given page. For each chart, there are certain parameters that are needed to configure the chart (ie:…
There are a total number of mistakes X, now I want to create a column for showing distribution for the total mistakes X, what will be the shorter name or better way to represent this?
Note: Total mistake will not be 100%, it can be ‘x%’,e…
We currently use a handful of blank states within the sections of our app to inform users about what things are, along with the benefits and a helpful example.
The problem is that this is a team based app, so once one member creates a pi…
I have a simple FlatList displaying 2 items in HomeComponent. The items are being displayed in the Item Component. I have added a Read/Unread functionality with a Badge using two states -> notificationRead and selectedNotificationList[]. M…
While doing some research on search results patterns I realised Google still to this day shows the results list on the left on desktop while the remaining 99% of websites are aligned to the center of the screen. Why is that?