What is the most designer-friendly and intuitive wireframing and/or UX app?

What is the most designer-friendly and intuitive wireframing and/or UX app?

Check out Lucidchart. They have pre-defined wireframe and mockup (iPad, iPhone, Android) shape libraries, so it’s easy to drag and drop elements into my mockup. It’s easy to import pictures, so sometimes if I want a really sophisticated mockup in the final stages of the design, I’ll import designs I’ve create in Photoshop as images, and use them as drag and drop elements.
Some of the unique things about Lucidchart are:

· Works on any operating system, which is great when developers and designers need to interact (Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.)

· Real-time collaboration.  This means that anyone you share your design with can always see the most recent version, and that you can work together with others simultaneously.

· Interaction and Demo mode. There are “hot spots” or linking areas within Lucidchart that allow you to add interactivity to your designs.

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