Notify a user why nothing happened

I’m writing a content filtering application that operates at the hardware level. The UI is basically out of the picture once the user starts the filter, as it is hidden in the windows task tray.
As a consequence of the filte…
Google Design Cards – Rich Media Giffs Acceptable?

Going by the specs for Google Design Cards, does anyone know if animated gifs are acceptable for the rich media?
Why are visitor counters for websites not used any more?

I remember in the early days of the Internet one of the most prominent things on a website was the visitor counter. These days with so much analytics and obsession about how many people visit or follow websites, I wonder how …
Responsive Upscaling: Large-Screen E-Commerce Design

The responsive design revolution is truly upon us (if it hasn’t already happened!), and even though e-commerce websites haven’t picked up responsive design quite as aggressively as in other industries, it’s becoming increasingly popular.

So far, most of the responsive design thinking has revolved around covering the range of experiences from mobile to desktop. Yet little attention has been paid to the opportunities for expanding that range beyond the standard desktop screen, to create an experience optimized for modern large-scale displays.
The post Responsive Upscaling: Large-Screen E-Commerce Design appeared first on Smashing Magazine.
Why do USB flash drives never provide for labels?

Floppy disks had stick-on labels. Optical discs can be written on with a Sharpie, or printed with special ink-jet printers, or round stick-on labels applied.
USB sticks have zero affordances for labeling. They are often bu…
Why do USB flash drives never provide for labels?

Floppy disks had stick-on labels. Optical discs can be written on with a Sharpie, or printed with special ink-jet printers, or round stick-on labels applied.
USB sticks have zero affordances for labeling. They are often bu…
Google Design Website- What are these Card like components?

On it looks like they are using titles instead of cards, because the edges are square. But they function as cards. Can anyone tell me what they are? Are they whitespaces? Speaking strictly on the gu…
Is "user-select: none" bad UX?

I was having a discussion today with a colleague. I showed her “user-select: none” – a CSS property that stops a user from selecting text.
To me, this property allowed a more app-like experience to be created on a page – ens…