How can we go about deciding an appropriate filesize upload limit?

Our web application includes a form where a user can upload supporting documentation. It is anticipated that many users will use the camera on their mobile to snap a photo of a receipt or certificate to upload.
The server i…
Hierachical bipartite graph for a large data set

I’m looking for a way to visualize the association between two data sets. One of these data sets is itself organized in a hierarchy. For example:
Set 1 – Students:
Set 2 – Class…
Is it okay to show a modal or full screen notification in a website after success/error delivery form

I have some forms in my website, and want to show a fullscreen modal that is black and has a transparency.
And in the middle a notification with some kinda of green colored header with a check mark when form delivery is suc…
Website Review For

I have developed a website called Lazuli Post. The concept if the site is that a user can view can create content via links, similar to the way you can post a link to facebook. On top of this the website gives you a level of …
What file size is considered large over mobile network?

What file size is considered “large” when downloading over a mobile network. For example, if a user comes to check a bunch of PDF’s uploaded by an admin, at what time should (s)he be warned about the file size being large and…
UX for encouraging users to report data issues

Our product uses large amounts of third party data to sell products to our customers. Sometimes this data is really well structured, clean, and accurate. Other times, it’s not so much. Images can be missing, descriptions can …
Using pointer mouse cursor shape on controls

talks about affordance
talks about navigational elements vs action elements
The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link.
UX advice on checkbox

I need your advices for design functionality.
Here the screenshot:
The checkboxes for each track field represent the different format but I want improve ux because here user can be lost.
Mobile friendly price slider

I want to design a range filter for an ecommerce platform that has excellent UX for mobile users.
Here’s the basic interaction I could make
1) Where do I put the current range (when slider is not moving) ?
Option 1: St…
Plot positive AND negative change on the same axis

I’m designing a view for Android where the user can see a set of lists ordered in a tab bar. Each tab is represented by a block in a bar chart (+a label) which the user navigates through.
So far so good. My dilemma however …