How to Check Out the Competition

Nearly every business across every industry is looking over its shoulder or peeking in next door to see what the competition is up to. As a UX designer, understanding how to do a basic competitive analysis can further our designs, and our business acumen. UX designer Sarah Khan shows us how.
Is there a name for this loading animation?

I can notice this animation looks like an default pattern, because I’ve seen it at so many apps and websites.
I would like to know what’s the name of it but I can’t find any results.
Visualization of proportions/ratio over time

I am looking for a smart way to visualize proportions, or ratio, over time in a chart. Since the relation between the variables is more interesting than their individual value, I can’t just plot the variables individual value…
Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions

Any time a user’s experience is interrupted, the chance of them leaving increases. Changing from one page to another will often cause this interruption by showing a white flash of no content, by taking too long to load or by otherwise taking the user out of the context they were in before the new page opened.
Transitions between pages can enhance the experience by retaining (or even improving) the user’s context, maintaining their attention, and providing visual continuity and positive feedback. At the same time, page transitions can also be aesthetically pleasing and fun and can reinforce branding when done well.
The post Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions appeared first on Smashing Magazine.
UI for browsing objects that have different types that are interconnected

I can’t give the exact purpose of the app (under NDA!) but I’m trying to design an interface that lets you explore data about various data objects that are all interlinked. I have an idea of how to do this but want some feedb…
What is the best way to end a call between two parties (timer involved) in a non-disruptive way?

We are doing an app wherein one party (customer) can have a video conference with another party (consultant) in limited time (e.g. 15 minutes).
What is the best way to end the connection between two parties in a way that doe…
choosing one risk assessment tool for Governors state university

I have three risk assessment tools namely,
1) LogicGate
2) IntelligenceBank GRC
3) Contract Logix.
I had to recommend only one assessment tools for (user-expectation mobile-applicarion interface) out of 3 for my university …
Measuring activity on an invision prototype?

I’m wondering if any of you all could help me with this predicament.
I am about to finish a certificate in human-computer interaction and the final gauntlet is A/B testing the prototypes we have built throughout the course. …
Modern UI icons vs traditional icons

I need to choose icons for the UI of a Windows Store application, and am debating between the modern ones such as these (first result for images of “segoe mdl2 assets”) and the traditional ones.
I realize that not all apps …
When should i use a mask behind a FAB button?

Right now at work we are making this amazing feature (for a webApp) but i don’t know WHEN its correct to use a “mask” Behind the FAB after it gets TAP/CLICKED because in the guide they say nothing about it, all i know is: