I’m currently thinking about adding a quite comprehensive section to a website: the section I’m talking about starts at level 3 of the overall website and itself has another four structural levels. Massive!
I cannot use or touch the horizo…
I’ve been requested to make a UI that allows to block/ban users from logging in. In the wireframes I’ve been provided, they use the term “blocked”. But I feel like a better term for this would be “banned”.
I’m just working on a quite complex interface. There are/will be tons of items in it and there is a massive search feature. Search is filterable just like on Ebay or Amazon etc. Filters are very complex (in fact different even by categorie…
I’ve found most of our users are totally unaware of the term, though it’s plastered on the front page of our Intranet site and the desktop icon they use to get to the site is labeled “(Company) Intranet”.
Related to This Question, I’m interested in what I should do with a responsive design theme where the users have control over the columns which are displayed in a tabular, data rich page. Users are able to manipulate which columns are disp…
In short, my company is developing a management tool for managing SIM cards. One of the features of the tool is to block the SIM card if it’s put into a none allowed device by device IMEI validation.
As WPF has no built-in MDI support I was looking around for alternatives for a rather large graphical work oriented application. The application will have a lot of different widgets, and for a lot of those the usable area will be different…
In our web application we have a number of pages to do with user settings, in different categories. For most of them we have a display page with an edit button/link, which takes them to a form which has a cancel/save exit path.