Should error messages apologize?

We are having a discussion on our team about an error message that says “Sorry, you do not have permission to access this feature. Please contact your administrator for assistance.”
Is it appropriate to use language of “apo…
Is domain name important for user experience?

Is it important for the domain of a website to be chosen so that it is simple to type?
For example, consider delicious-dot-ly (
Would it be fair to say that the difficulty of typing this domain name leads to a …
Is domain name important for user experience?

Is it important for the domain of a website to be chosen so that it is simple to type?
For example, consider delicious-dot-ly (
Would it be fair to say that the difficulty of typing this domain name leads to a …
Showing/Hiding vs.Enable/Disabling form fields

I would like to know the benefits and drawbacks regarding to form design of “dependent fields”. For example, in my form I have a Marital Status field, and depending on it’s value, I need to know the partner document number an…
Should we ask for name on card even though it’s not required for credit card payments?

The name on card is not used when processing credit card payments. Paypal does not ask the user to enter the name on card when saving a card to the “wallet”, while does.
The benefit of asking for it is that the us…
Should we ask for name on card even though it’s not required for credit card payments?

The name on card is not used when processing credit card payments. Paypal does not ask the user to enter the name on card when saving a card to the “wallet”, while does.
The benefit of asking for it is that the us…
How could Kindle User Experience be improved?

I got a Kindle today and I would like it a lot better if I could read math papers on it without the equations coming out all funny. Some of my PDFs look perfectly fine on a computer but symbols go missing when I transfer them to a Kindle. This makes them nearly unreadable because it changes the meaning of the equations.
I understand that this is a difficult problem and it’s probably low on your priority list, but seriously, if you fixed this my Kindle experience would be infinitely better. Thanks.
Why is Google’s "I’m Feeling Lucky" button still next to the search bar?

I’m sure that Google must put a lot of thought into the display of its homepage. With such a minimalistic design, every element matters.
So what’s up with the “I’m feeling lucky” button? Why is it right next to the searc…