Preventing users from closing browser tab. Bad idea?

I have a customer who wants to add one of those annoying JavaScript alerts that prevent users from closing a browser tab to make them a discount offer. You know, something like:
“are you sure you want to leave this page?…
Five Approaches To Creating Lightweight Personas

Understanding your audience is essential to building great products. The first questions for any project should be “Who are we designing for? What are their goals? What are their motivations?”
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Should I disable google maps scroll wheel zoom?

In most applications of google maps the scroll wheel will zoom the map instead of scrolling it. Personally I find this confusing, and after years of using google maps, both on the google maps web site and embedded google map…
Optimal shape for interaction with a map

What is the best aspect ratio for a geographical map when considering ease of finding a route from a variable start point to a marked end point?
Forgot Password Inline vs. Separate Page

I recently encountered this approach for the Forgot Password link on the LLS site. When you select the link, you are not taken to another page. Instead, an email field is displayed. This seems to be a more efficent approach t…
Forgot Password Inline vs. Separate Page

I recently encountered this approach for the Forgot Password link on the LLS site. When you select the link, you are not taken to another page. Instead, an email field is displayed. This seems to be a more efficent approach t…
Five Things I’ve Learned From Usability Testing

I’ve also learned over time about how to get more effective feedback. Humans are very predictable in our unpredictableness. If you watch for certain patterns, you can increase your ability to discover insights that are normally hidden.
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