How can I improve this master detail/grouping UI?

In my application, I have to represent a Work Order entity that has N Work Order Sections and each section has M sub-items. Currently, I’m representing this like so:
Each Work Order has a bunch of fields (not shown). Then …
Design Decisions Through the Lens of Performance by Yesenia Perez-Cruz—An Event Apart video

We design sites for a myriad of devices with varying connection speeds. More and more, we’re discovering the importance of fast page speed. Even 100 millisecond delays in load times negatively impact user experience and conversions. The problem is, making a site fast and lightweight is often at odds with other design goals—like creating visually immersive experiences or meeting all of an organization’s rich-media ad requirements. While a stripped down site with no images, set entirely in Arial, is certainly going to be light, it’s not going to accomplish all of our client’s business goals.
In this exciting presentation captured live at An Event Apart Austin, designer Yesenia Perez-Cruz shows how we can make smarter design decisions, from the very beginning of a web project, to ensure that our sites perform well. Topics Yesenia covers include optimizing typography and UI, responsive images, and how to get clients on board.
Yesenia is a Senior Product Designer at Vox Media, and has been an Acquisitions Scout for A List Apart. Previously, she created beautiful, functional design systems for clients like MTV, Zappos, and Iron Chef Jose Garces at studios including Intuitive Company and Happy Cog.
Enjoy all the videos in An Event Apart’s library. There are over 30 hours of them—all absolutely free. And for your free monthly guide to all things web, design, and developer-y, subscribe to The AEA Digest. Subscribers get exclusive access to our latest videos weeks before anyone else!
How best to show a document preview

I have a fairly basic web form that gathers information such as name, address, description, yada, yada. I have to do a rewrite and so am wondering what the best practice currently is to show a preview? Right now, you click …
Should call to actions (CTAs) be included in product search result listings?

In my daily trips around the web, I’ve noticed that many of the most popular ecommerce sites (e.g. Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc.) are removing CTAs (e.g. “add to cart”) from search results — and I can’t help but wonder why. …
Is it always necessary that an expandable list should have an indication to show that that it is expandable?

Recently I’ve been designing a mockup for an android app (material designed) where I use a list to show number of entries. And the list is expandable.
Is it always necessary to indicate to the end user that the list is expan…
How to change our design or content that users open our website when they see the content?

Maybe the title is not clear; Because the subject is a little special
We are well ranked website and our users are really important for us, and we really care about them. We even don’t advertise on our website or if we do we…
Is it ok for a landing page image to take up a full screen?

My landing pages have large images, each of an individual building. I’m worried about information scent issues causing usability problems. The images have a parallax effect. Any suggestions on best usability practices in thi…
Scenario when both pagination and the number of records to be shown in a page are combined

With both pagination and number of records to be shown in a page are implemented, if the user is in some 3rd page and changes the number of records to something higher, there could be situation where the number of pages is r…
Is it a good idea to play jokes on your users on April 1st?

I was browsing trough the hot questions and I’ve stumbled across this question. One of the comments mentioned checking the date, but the bells didn’t ring until I read the accepted answer.
Regarding the site from the questi…