Why is the share icon always different?

Every site uses a different share icon here are some examples:
Which icon is best for UX and most obvious to the user that it is a share icon?
Do you think people would use a site like http://bakon.ca? [on hold]
![Do you think people would use a site like http://bakon.ca? [on hold]](https://uxsharelab.com/wp-content/themes/proxima/images/thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
I just created a brand new website at bakcon.ca
The idea is that anyone can add store(s) for a city. And for each store, anyone can add products and describe where the products are located.
Stores/products can be up-voted/…
Feedback Messages best practice

Currently i am working on Feedback messages for an ecommerce website in different state and i am looking for best practice regarding the
Feedback message/notification color ?
should be with icon or not?
for how long the fee…
How to encourage ethical usage and discourage unethical usage?

I am currently creating a computer malfunction tool at a university IT center. Ideally, the tool is supposed to work as something similar to an amber alert, where the reporting of some event could be pushed to every users cli…
UX for linking elements together

I’m looking for an intuitive way to let a user group elements together, a bit like Photoshop’s ‘Link Layers’ – but preferably without popup menu.
Right now I’m thinking about the following:
The idea is that you can drag t…
Multiple values in one cell in table

I have a table where there might be two values in one cell, what is the best practice to display this? With a comma or line break or something else? Unfortunately the values are quite long, and I believe is it rather importan…
Data visualization for queued items

What data visualization would you say is suitable for my purpose?
I’m looking for a chart or something similar to present queued items with different states, some is queued, some is processing and some has failed. I have alm…
What is the best website for searching housing you have ever used?(webs like airbnb)

good map experience: smooth of zooming in&out with delicate icons or buttons’ transform; the density of pins on map is appropriate(can hardly causeTrypophobia) ;
good search experience: the (multiple) selected search cri…
What are some alternative ways to record data instead of a long form? [on hold]
![What are some alternative ways to record data instead of a long form? [on hold]](https://uxsharelab.com/wp-content/themes/proxima/images/thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
How to deal with long forms (Not conventional ways like form wizard etc) and what could be some alternative ways to gather information instead of a form layout?
I really liked how TypeForm looks at forms.