Colors of statuses in charts

I am creating a dashboard for a system where I will use various charts to display data to the user (as of now I have pie charts and line charts).
The pie charts will display items with statuses for different queues; queued …
When to open link in new tab?

There are links, buttons, images and much more that directs users to new pages.
In my opinion, it should always stay in the same tab unless it’s a PDF or download item. But when is it acceptable to open things in a new tab?…
Toaster messages in web interface

I am thinking of adding toaster messages as a feedback in an Ecommerce website for small actions, so far I couldn’t find an example for using toaster messages in web only for mobile app, and one example from MailChimp
Would …
Is there a convention for hinting at a row item’s age or staleness?

Are there any accepted conventions anyone can think of for showing the age or staleness of a particular row in a set of results on a web page?
I’m looking for some visual way to identify how long something has been in a list…
Home Page design for a File repository

The product is a file repository / publishing software that is managed by admins. Admins add file and reports, that can be promoted to the landing page carousel or to their respective folder based on the categories.
The pre…
Interaction to show/hide tags using info icon

Product : Universal file holder for a large enterprise
Situation : Navigation side bar with unnecessary file details
The files are tagged so they can be filtered. However, we already have those as filter options. The pic…
How to indicate proportion of tasks in each of several sequential stages?

I have many (thousands) of tasks, each currently in one of 5 sequential stages. (So every task goes through the exact same sequence, but concurrently, so that some are at a different stage from others). How should I indicate …
In what instances should a bottom navigation be hidden (mobile app)?

Many mobile apps have bottom navigation (think Instagram, Twitter, etc.). However, for some of the pages / processes, the bottom navigation disappears.
E.g. On Instagram, once you do the process of uploading a photo, the bot…