What is behind entering email twice for registration?

What do you think to ask the email twice for registration?
The context is this:
In the e-commerce checkout/registration process where the email is mandatory to save cart or to proceed to the checkout, it’s better to ask jus…
What is behind entering email twice for registration?

What do you think to ask the email twice for registration?
The context is this:
In the e-commerce checkout/registration process where the email is mandatory to save cart or to proceed to the checkout, it’s better to ask jus…
How make language option easy to find for people speaking another language than the one shown?

As suggested in another question I decided to show the language names in native language itself in the language selector on my page, instead of using country flags.
The dropdown box shows the current displayed language, say …
Is there any advantage in marketing my product for £99.99 instead of £100?

It’s a wide-spread marketing technique that seems to have been around forever- selling products for £1.99, £9.99, £19.99, instead of £2, £10 and £20.
Presumably the pyschology is that submliminally £99.99 seems disproportionately closer to £99 (or £90) than £100 does.
But surely the technique is so utterly transparent and consumers so wary of marketing techniques nowadays that it is completely ineffective. And worse, by doing it, you risk detering potential customers by coming across as deceptive or dishonest.
Should numbers be written in numerals or words?

When writing numbers, should we use numerals (“5,000”) or words (“five thousand”)? I’m particularly interested in how easy each is to read and interpret, and whether it’s an important consideration for dyslexic users.
Intuitive colour pickers for non-expert users?

Does anyone have examples of favourite colour pickers (as UI elements, not dedicated color-picking apps or sites) for common, ‘everyday’ colours – not for RGB or HSL values?
I find traditional colour wheels really unintuitiv…