Why do scrollbars revert to original scroll distance when mouse is dragged sideways too far?

When dragging the scrollbar using the mouse, the contents of the scrollpane move up and down as the bar moves with the mouse. But if you keep the mouse button held down, and move the pointer sideways for about 100 pixels (te…
What’s the point of closing windows by double-clicking their top-left?

In Windows, you can double-click the top-left of a window to close it.
But why?
It’s not intuitive. At all.
What sort of advantage is there by using this kind of behaviour for closing windows? I even happened to accidental…
Why do users reply to messages clearly marked as do not reply

In a web app, we generate a lot of emails including reminders, requests for approvals, login details etc. They all come from a real email address to help with deliverability etc and they all quite clearly state:
*** This is …
Is it better to use a Likert scale or Semantic Differential for gathering attitudes towards pages?

For gathering users’ emotional reactions to web pages via a survey, a researcher could use either a Likert scale (e.g., Agree Strongly – Agree Somewhat – Indifferent – Disagree Somewhat – Disagree Strongly) or a semantic diff…
Is it better to use a Likert scale or Semantic Differential for gathering attitudes towards pages?

For gathering users’ emotional reactions to web pages via a survey, a researcher could use either a Likert scale (e.g., Agree Strongly – Agree Somewhat – Indifferent – Disagree Somewhat – Disagree Strongly) or a semantic diff…
What is the appeal of old style numbers and why do modern fonts still include them?

Here’s text rendered with Raleway, a font designed around 2012, according to Google Fonts:
I’m far from a font expert, but the vertical zig-zag of number…