Displaying a couple of independent tables with different loading times

I have a webapp dashboard with a couple of tables (around 6 tables with a fixed order that usually does not fit on page without scrolling down the page).
Tables are filled out with data provided from a backend – data for eac…
What is the difference between user’s perspective vs perception?

In concept of usability ,What is the difference between user’s perspective vs perception?
Shaded line graphs: Good or bad?

I’ve been staring at this design for way too long and I need an outside view.
These are not stacked line graphs (a no-no in data vis) but two graphs occupying the same space. Does the shaded area count as non-data pixels? Ha…
Localizing coordinates

When localizing a display of x/y or lat/lng coordinates, what should I use for a separator? Is it always a comma even in locales that use the comma for the decimal separator?
Gathering Users Feedback

I am looking for innovative ways to gather feedback from customers of a platform and a service in a global scale. Although I am willing to talk with users, I am more interested to know if you have any advice in how I can do i…
Good UX/UI for scheduled reports sliding time window

You know how in many analytical tools one can schedule a report of a certain kind to be delivered every X days (or similar)? What are good UIs for setting what’s the date range that the report is generated with?
Here are som…