A Roadmap To Building A Delightful Onboarding Experience For Mobile App Users

When launching an app, you need to spend a lot of time and resources to attract users. You can pull people into your app using a variety of means, including advertising, referral programs, public relations and content marketing. But when pe…
What to do with too many columns in a table?

What if you have too many columns in a table?
Possible solutions:
Horizontal scroll bar
Re-sizable columns
Table settings to filter out some columns
What is good/bad practice? Is there any other, more preferable, soluti…
How to make text selectable in master/detail table view?

That’s my first question in stackexchange!
We are designing a datatable view for scientistic users. They get this table after they input a bunch of filters and press search.
The table is already quite big – 13 columns. Howev…
Why does Google Drive use a dialog for renaming files?

In all modern file managers, when you rename a file, it allows you to rename the file on the label in the file manager like this:
Windows, macOS, and Dropbox’s web interface all have this behavior. This behavior makes sen…
Where to place the Save button Material

I’m developing a simple user creation screen in Android using Material Design.
The portrait layout is completed, but I’m struggling finding a way to achieve a nice way to lay info out on the landscape version.
The portrait:
Checkboxes – how to select parent only?

I have a large list of items like this:
Parent 1
– Child 1.1
– Child 1.2
– Child 1.3
Parent 2
– Child 2.1
– Child 2.2
where every element has a checkbox.
I want to be able to select only the parent (without the children) as well as have the children be selectable on their own or all together when clicking the parent.
As for this moment, you have to select each item individually (when you click on the parent, you only select the parent), but I don’t think it solves the problem. Is there any pattern for this? Any ideas?
Colors of statuses in charts

I am creating a dashboard for a system where I will use various charts to display data to the user (as of now I have pie charts and line charts).
The pie charts will display items with statuses for different queues; queued …
When to open link in new tab?

There are links, buttons, images and much more that directs users to new pages.
In my opinion, it should always stay in the same tab unless it’s a PDF or download item. But when is it acceptable to open things in a new tab?…
Toaster messages in web interface

I am thinking of adding toaster messages as a feedback in an Ecommerce website for small actions, so far I couldn’t find an example for using toaster messages in web only for mobile app, and one example from MailChimp
Would …
Is there a convention for hinting at a row item’s age or staleness?

Are there any accepted conventions anyone can think of for showing the age or staleness of a particular row in a set of results on a web page?
I’m looking for some visual way to identify how long something has been in a list…