Measuring activity on an invision prototype?

I’m wondering if any of you all could help me with this predicament.
I am about to finish a certificate in human-computer interaction and the final gauntlet is A/B testing the prototypes we have built throughout the course. …
Modern UI icons vs traditional icons

I need to choose icons for the UI of a Windows Store application, and am debating between the modern ones such as these (first result for images of “segoe mdl2 assets”) and the traditional ones.
I realize that not all apps …
When should i use a mask behind a FAB button?

Right now at work we are making this amazing feature (for a webApp) but i don’t know WHEN its correct to use a “mask” Behind the FAB after it gets TAP/CLICKED because in the guide they say nothing about it, all i know is:
Should a user logged in through Facebook be able to delete their account?

In my app I give the option the users of logging in with their Facebook account for convenience. Every modern app gives its users the option of deleting/disabling their account. The question is whether I should provide such a…
One-question survey

Hoping this is the right place to ask this…
I’m working with a group who wants to conduct survey research to evaluate projects. They’re thinking about having an initial, overall question that would be required and making a…
Shortest possible way to explain UX design

Wanted to ask if you think that I explain UX design well enough in one sentence?
Looking to hear personal experiences.
“UX design is the path of least resistance for one to achieve a desired goal / outcome”.
Coming up with projects for UX practice for a beginner

I am an absolute beginner to UX. I’ve been doing lots of reading and I’m taking a course for Human-centered Design on Coursera. I’ve even joined up with a meetup group of UX designers. I’ve got background in business analy…
Trying to call for an action. Vertical vs Horizontal

I am trying to follow the concept I found here:
I am not sure if I am biased or it is just really not calling my attention. I made 2 versions of it and here are the results:
At first I…
How to Start Conceptualizing a Web Design Experience

I am going to design my first website. Basically, a redesign of a website I care for. I’ve been identifying goals and functional needs. Now I want to see if I can get the experience right or more engaging.
Am wondering, wha…
Which text delivers clearer message to users

we are going to provide an in-app purchase item, so that user can unlock every blocked features in the app. However, this doesn’t include removing ads-free.
In order to ensure users really understand what they are going to p…