Is using a sentence as a search filter better to engage the user compared to showing featured items?

Has user testing found that the "three horizontal bars" for main menu on mobile is commonly understood?

Silly Saturdays: Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke And Company Cover “Blurred Lines”

This is classic internet meme stuff. You just finished reading Silly Saturdays: Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke and Company Cover “Blurred Lines”! Consider leaving a comment!Stuff to check out UX Drinking Game | UX Resume and Career Guide
You just finished reading Silly Saturdays: Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke and Company Cover “Blurred Lines”! Consider leaving a comment!
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Colin Harman: How Would You Like Your Graphic Design — Fast, Cheap Or Good? Pick Two.

Awesome infographic. Designers everywhere will agree. You just finished reading Colin Harman: How Would You Like Your Graphic Design — Fast, Cheap or Good? Pick Two.! Consider leaving a comment!Stuff to check out UX Drinking Game | UX Resume and Career Guide
You just finished reading Colin Harman: How Would You Like Your Graphic Design — Fast, Cheap or Good? Pick Two.! Consider leaving a comment!
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The Redesign: Questions To Ask Before You Start

Redesigning your application the right way means putting pieces in place to make sure you can change culture and keep your job. Doing it wrong can get you fired or kill a company.
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