Do people click on "scroll to next section" buttons
I am wondering if anyone has data about this. “Scroll to next section” buttons are usually visible on the first screen of a website at the center bottom. If one clicks on them the browser scrolls the screen so that the headli…
Do people click on "scroll to next section" buttons
I am wondering if anyone has data about this. “Scroll to next section” buttons are usually visible on the first screen of a website at the center bottom. If one clicks on them the browser scrolls the screen so that the headli…
How to display and Handle two different forms with overlapping element?
I have two forms of which some elements overlap.
I was wondering how should I approach the situation, there is a possibility to use tabs, one for the common fields and other two for the corresponding form elements for differ…
How to display and Handle two different forms with overlapping element?
I have two forms of which some elements overlap.
I was wondering how should I approach the situation, there is a possibility to use tabs, one for the common fields and other two for the corresponding form elements for differ…
What to show when no data is available yet?
I am having a difference of opinion… with myself.
My web application has a section for an order preview. The user can select a specific order and some statistics of this order will be visible in the preview section. The o…
What to show when no data is available yet?
I am having a difference of opinion… with myself.
My web application has a section for an order preview. The user can select a specific order and some statistics of this order will be visible in the preview section. The o…
Can’t we put cancel button in iPhone app
I am having form like page for iPhone page. Do we really required to put Cancel button along with Submit button.
P.S: User can go back by using back button which is placed in left top corner.
Color selection according to status
I’m designing a system where a list item can have one of 5 different status options:
I want to specify a different color for every status.
For ACTIVE, PENDING and INACTIVE i decided on…
Color selection according to status
I’m designing a system where a list item can have one of 5 different status options:
I want to specify a different color for every status.
For ACTIVE, PENDING and INACTIVE i decided on…
Signing up with Google + Terms of Use checkbox
I’m stumped: How do you nicely solve the requirement of explicitly checking the “I accept the Terms of Use” checkbox when using single-click sign up with Google / Facebook / Twitter?
Before we had “by signing up you accept …