How should I show disabled state in table?

Let me explain a problem at first!
I am making a mockups for a web service hardly consisted of tables. Every table has action at the end of each row. So, every set of actions refers to certain row. At some parts of applicati…
Stickers versus Emojis: what is the difference?

I have a very basic question. I would like to know the difference between a sticker and an emoji (as used in text messaging). Are they the same thing, our is there a difference? Is it just the size (with emojis being inserted…
Stickers versus Emojis: what is the difference?

I have a very basic question. I would like to know the difference between a sticker and an emoji (as used in text messaging). Are they the same thing, our is there a difference? Is it just the size (with emojis being inserted…
Designing warning/confirmation dialogue box

Currently working on a design which will prompt a dialogue box with confirmation message. Just some background on the design, when user attempt to add or delete data from a grid, a dialogue box will appear warning the users t…
Designing warning/confirmation dialogue box

Currently working on a design which will prompt a dialogue box with confirmation message. Just some background on the design, when user attempt to add or delete data from a grid, a dialogue box will appear warning the users t…